Our Projects
Manobo Loreto
Manobo Loreto, as a language, is the unique cultural and linguistic heritage of the indigenous community residing in Loreto, Agusan del Sur, which is nestled in the central-east part of Mindanao, Philippines.
The Manobo population in this region is composed of about 30,000 native speakers who predominantly inhabit 17 Barangays within the municipality. This distinctive language is not only a means of communication but a vital repository of their cultural identity and traditional wisdom, fostering a deep connection to their ancestral roots. Despite geographical challenges such as limited transportation options and isolated roadways, as well as historical issues related to armed conflicts, the people of Loreto have persevered in maintaining their rich cultural heritage. The community has strived to preserve its cultural integrity and linguistic heritage through partnership and collaboration which has given rise to the Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS) project, which represents a significant step towards preserving and revitalizing the Manobo Loreto language and culture, ensuring it continues to thrive for future generations.
Loreto, Agusan del Sur
Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS)
Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS) is a method of communicating the biblical message in oral cultures and languages. It involves the careful selection, translation, and retelling of key stories and narratives from the Bible in a way that respects the oral traditions and communication styles of the target community. OBS aims to make the message of the Bible accessible and transformative through engaging storytelling, fostering spiritual understanding and growth among listeners.
Language Code:
Estimated number of speakers:
Storying Completed:
Blind Man of Bethsaida [Mark 8:22-25]
Feeding of the Five Thousand [Matthew 14:13-21]
Following Jesus Completely [Matthew 16:24-28]
Jairus Daughter [Mark 5:21-43]
Jesus and Nicodemus [John 3:1-21]
Jesus and the Storm [Mark 4:35-41]
Jesus and Zacchaeus [Luke 19:1-10]
Jesus' Birth [Luke 2:7-14]
Jesus Calls His First Disciples [Matthew 4:18-22]
Jesus Heals the Sick Woman [Matthew 9:20-22]
Jesus Walks on Water [Matthew 14:22-33]
John the Baptist [John 1:32-36]
Lazarus and the Rich Man [Luke 16:19-31]
Mary and Martha [Luke 10:38-42]
Satan Tempts Jesus in the Wilderness [Matthew 4:1-11]
Saul's Conversion [Acts 9:1-19]
The Blind Man Named Bartimaeus [Mark 10:46-52]
The Lost Sheep [Luke 15:1-7]
The Parable of The Rich Fool [Luke 12:13-21]
The Wiseman Built His House upon the Rock [Matthew 7:24-27]