What We Do

At Wycliffe Philippines, our mission is deeply rooted in the power of God's Word to transform lives and communities. Through our dedicated efforts, we embark on a multifaceted journey of impact.
First and foremost, we're passionate about Bible translation. We work tirelessly to ensure that every word of Scripture is accessible in the languages spoken across the Philippines. This endeavor is not just about linguistic accuracy; it's about bringing the message of hope, love, and salvation to individuals who have longed to hear it in their heart language.
But our work doesn't stop there. We're equally committed to promoting literacy and education, partnering with communities to empower individuals to read, learn, and grow through their newfound access to God's Word. We are the bridge that connects faith, language, and culture, ultimately bringing the transformative power of God's Word to life in countless hearts and minds across the nation.
Bible Translation
Exegetical Training and Workshops
Ensuring that the translated Scriptures are not only linguistically accurate but also theologically sound, culturally relevant, and empowering to the community.
Bible Work - Written, OBS, OBT
Ensuring that the materials produced authentically convey the Word of God and are accessible, relatable, and meaningful to the community, contributing to spiritual growth, unity, and transformation within the culture.
Scripture Engagement
Deepens scriptural understanding, providing feedback, ensuring cultural relevance, and fostering community involvement and ownership. They create a strong foundation for accurate, relevant, and community-supported translations that can transform lives and spiritual growth within the community.
Sunday School/Bible Study
Deepens scriptural understanding, providing feedback, ensuring cultural relevance, and fostering community involvement and ownership. They create a strong foundation for accurate, relevant, and community-supported translations that can transform lives and spiritual growth within the community.
Radio Programs
Disseminates the Scriptures to a wide audience, preserving oral traditions, making the message accessible and culturally relevant, engaging the community, promoting education and literacy, and fostering community ownership. Radio becomes a powerful medium for ensuring that the translated Scriptures impact the lives of community members and facilitate their spiritual growth.
Moral Recovery
Creates an environment where moral values and the Bible's teachings intersect, which can lead to more relevant, meaningful, and transformative impact. They foster community transformation and receptivity to the Bible's message, aligning the translation work with the community's moral and ethical journey.
Values Education Program
Promotes moral and ethical foundations, cultural relevance, educational engagement, community involvement, critical thinking, and ethical decision-making. This will reflect the community's values and contribute to spiritual growth and moral development.
Church Engagement
Home and Church Visitation
Contributes to cultural understanding, feedback gathering, and empowerment, that lead to produce translations that are accurate, culturally relevant, and meaningful to the community. It is a direct and personal approach to effectively engage a community in the Bible translation process.
Exegesis Workshop to Church Leaders
Enhances competence, theological clarity, and teaching abilities, enabling them to lead the community in the Bible translation process. This contributes to accurate, theologically sound, and contextually relevant translations that foster spiritual growth and engagement within the community.
Bible Translation Awareness/Vision Casting
Instrumental in resource mobilization, cultural sensitivity, and community unity. They promote educational opportunities, collaboration with church leaders, and outreach, while empowering the community to actively participate and take ownership of the translation process.
Community Development
Asset-based Community Development
Fosters trust, resource mobilization, linguistic expertise, cultural understanding, and community involvement. They promote ethical and moral foundations, improvements in the quality of life, conflict resolution, and sustainability of the translation project, while also serving as a form of evangelism and outreach.
Disaster and Relief Operations
Indirectly contributes to the work of Bible translation by building trust, showing tangible care to the community, providing resources, and offering hope and comfort. They can create opportunities for outreach and evangelism, support vulnerable populations, and promote community resilience.
Outreach Programs
Promotes cultural sensitivity, community ownership, and feedback gathering, while also serving as a form of evangelism and outreach.
Will you say, “Yes”?
God is inviting all of us to participate in what He is doing through the work of Bible translation.
Pray for Bible translation.
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Explore what it means to serve.
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