Our Projects

Mt. Iriga, Agta

Agtas, commonly known as Negritos, belong to the Negrito ethnolinguistic group, with various Agta tribes scattered across Regions I to V in Luzon, Philippines.

The Mt. Iriga Agtas, also known as Inagta Rinconada, inhabit the area west of Lake Buhi in southern Camarines Sur, Bicol Region. Although their population is in decline, they remain distinct from their neighbors, the Mt. Iraya Agtas east of Lake Buhi. Agtas are recognized for their physical characteristics, with small stature, dark skin, curly hair, and small noses. They have rich cultural traditions, including distinctive clothing, body scarification, and communal housing and hunting is a primary means of subsistence.


West of Lake Buhi, Camarines Sur


Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS)

Oral Bible Storytelling (OBS) is a method of communicating the biblical message in oral cultures and languages. It involves the careful selection, translation, and retelling of key stories and narratives from the Bible in a way that respects the oral traditions and communication styles of the target community. OBS aims to make the message of the Bible accessible and transformative through engaging storytelling, fostering spiritual understanding and growth among listeners.

Language Code:


Estimated number of speakers:


Storying Completed:

  • Jesus Baptism [Matthew 3:13-17]

  • Jesus Birth [Luke 2:7-14]

  • Jesus Calls Levi [Luke 5:27-32]

  • Jesus Calms the Storm [Mark 4:35-41]

  • Jesus Feeds the 5000 [Matthew 14:13-21]

  • Jesus Heals the Paralytic [Luke 5:18-25]

  • Jesus Heals Bartimaeus [Mark 10:46-52]

  • Jesus Heals Jairus' Daughter [Mark 5:21-43]

  • Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law [Luke 4:38-40]

  • Jesus Heals the Bleeding Woman [Matthew 9:20-22]

  • Jesus Heals the Ten Lepers [Luke 17:11-19]

  • Jesus Mother and Brothers [Matthew 12:46-50]

  • Jesus Predicts Peter's Denial [Matthew 26:31-35]

  • Jesus Walks on Water [Matthew 14:22-33]

  • Mary and Martha [Luke 10:38-42]

  • Peter Denies Christ [Luke 22:54-62]

  • The Foolish Rich Man [Luke 12:13-21]

  • The Wise and Foolish Builders [Matthew 7:24-27]

  • The Women Visits the Tomb [Luke 24:1-25]

  • Widow's Son [Luke 7:11-17]

  • Zacchaeus [Luke 19:1-10]