A Testament of Faith, Unity, and Hope

Divine Blueprint: The Kalanguya Summit Team’s Translation Office Project

On a sun-kissed morning in June 2024, the Kalanguya Summit Team embarked on a sacred mission—a mission that transcended mere hollow blocks and mortar. Their vision? To construct a translation office in the heart of Sitio Dipontian (Casiguran, Aurora), where language barriers had long stifled understanding and connection.

As with any grand endeavor, challenges arose. Upon arrival, the team encountered unexpected resistance from some Dumagat community members. These guardians of tradition forbade construction, even issuing veiled threats. But the team clung to their unwavering belief: God had led them here for a purpose.

Dialogue between community leaders and the Kalanguya Summit Team.

In this hour of uncertainty, Pastor Arman Dela Cruz emerged—a man of both practical wisdom and deep faith. As the Municipal Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Representative (IPMR), Pastor Arman proposed an alternative—the remnants of an abandoned structure, a half-finished dream left behind by others. He assured them: Here, no objections would arise. It felt like divine intervention, a clear answer to their prayers.

Sharing the Gospel with the Dumagat tribes has transformed their lives, leading many to decide to be baptized.

And so, with renewed resolve, the team embraced this unexpected twist. They envisioned the translation office rising from the ashes—a testament to resilience and unity. Before the first hollow block was laid, Ptr. Arman led them in a heartfelt prayer—a plea for God’s intervention, guidance, and protection. Their faith became the cornerstone of their labor.

On the first day, the team prayed for God’s intervention, guidance, and protection before starting the work.

June 20 marked the official start of construction. Kalanguya believers, joined by friends from diverse backgrounds, rallied. They pooled resources, purchased building materials, and volunteered their time. Their hands worked tirelessly, shaping walls and laying foundations. Sundays, reserved for worship, became a sacred pause—a reminder that this project was more than cement and pillars.

With diligent hands and full hearts, the volunteers marked and dug the foundations for the translation office.

The accomplishment for the 2nd day. We praise God for the other tribes who came to help the team.

In just four days, the translation office began to take form. The air hummed with purpose, and the sun lingered, casting golden rays upon their efforts. Their health remained intact—a silent testimony to divine providence and God’s grace.

The Kalanguya Team and community volunteers pose in front of the half finished translation office built by their hands.

This project was also a catalyst, inspired by the Kalanguya community’s commitment, neighboring friends rallied to help. They organized a medical mission and a gift-giving concert for the Dumagat community. On July 6, the Barangay Cozo covered Court buzzed with anticipation, medical help, and music. The Inoy Inoy Band, the Solonio Pharmacy from Nueva Vizcaya, friends, and other supporters joined hands. Together, they were able to serve 235 patients—each consultation a prayer answered, each gift a testament to compassion

Mission and gift giving held at the Barangay Cozo covered court, which with God’s grace served 235 patients.

As the team moves into Phase 2 of the building construction, we are calling for support to raise funds for roofing, flooring, windows, doors, plaster, paint, and to recruit the next batch of volunteer workers. With God’s continued guidance, they will complete this vital project—a translation office built not only of concrete but of hope, understanding, and love.

We invite you to join us in this mission to provide a much-needed translation office. Your support, whether through financial contributions, volunteer work, or prayers, is invaluable. Together, we can significantly impact the Kalanguya and Dumagat communities. Thank you for your continued support and dedication. Let us continue to trust in God’s plan and work together to bring this vision to fruition.

To support this mission, you may click here to visit our donate page.